Terms of use

« Cimarron 2025 » is an event produced and Managed by Hévéa Genève,

  • sis savoises road 17, 1203 Geneva (SWISS)

in partnership with Objet Témoin ASBL / La Galerie Non Peut-Être

  • sis Antoine Vandergoten Road n°4 1160 Auderghem (Brussels - BELGIUM)

N° VAT: BE0781339453

  1. Director of Operations : Olivier Joureau
  2. Art Director : Guillaume Albert Fogoum
  3. Galerist : Julien Vandanjon-Rancoule
  4. Curator : Tom Coly

Design and hosting

Original design Julien Vandanjon-Rancoule via objettemoin.org and hosted by Planethoster via Objet Témoin ASBL Social action project studied by students at L'Athénée Royal d'Evere, Communication Assistants section. Proprietary technologies from Yootheme gmbh.

To keep up to date with developments in the project, the rules and any changes to the general conditions, you can subscribe to the project newsletter on Objet Témoin.